Aviso de Privacidad

Lazcano Sámano, S.C. (“LS”), con domicilio en Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 1190, oficina 310, colonia Cruz Manca, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, CDMX, C.P. 05349, y portal de internet http://lazcanosamano.com, es el responsable del tratamiento y protección de sus datos personales (“Datos Personales”), de conformidad con las disposiciones de la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, su reglamento y demás disposiciones aplicables.

1. ㅤ Datos Personales solicitados
Para las finalidades que más adelante se señalan, LS recaba de su titular (“Titular[es]”) los siguientes Datos Personales: (i) nombre completo; (ii) domicilio; (iii) número de teléfono; (iv) correo electrónico; (v) nacionalidad; (vi) fecha y lugar de nacimiento; (vii) Registro Federal de Contribuyentes o número de identificación fiscal; (viii) Clave Única de Registro de Población; (ix) cargo; ( x) número de cuenta; (xi) actividad económica; e (xii) información patrimonial.

El Titular garantiza que los Datos Personales que proporcione a LS son veraces. Asimismo, se compromete a actualizar los mismos en caso de que estos cambien.

Consideraremos como signo inequívoco de la manifestación de su voluntad y por lo tanto, como su consentimiento expreso para el tratamiento de los Datos Personales patrimoniales y financieros, si usted nos hace entrega de dichos Datos Personales.

2. ㅤ Finalidades para el tratamiento de Datos Personales
Las finalidades primarias para las que LS recaba Datos Personales son las siguientes: (i) establecer comunicación con los Titulares; (ii) celebrar contratos por la prestación de nuestros servicios; (iii) realizar tareas de facturación y cobro; (iv) identificar a los Titulares; y (v) para la administración de nuestros servicios.

Por otro lado, las finalidades secundarias para las que LS recaba Datos Personales son las siguientes: (i) envío de noticias, artículos o comunicaciones de interés; y (ii) prospección comercial. Usted podrá oponerse en cualquier momento a que tratemos sus Datos Personales para estas finalidades secundarias o revocar su consentimiento para ello, enviándonos un correo electrónico a la dirección privacidad@lazcanosamano.com..

3. ㅤ Transferencia de Datos Personales
Hacemos de su conocimiento que los Datos Personales podrán ser compartidos, dentro y fuera del país, con empresas y organizaciones con las cuales tengamos una relación comercial y/o jurídica o con las autoridades competentes con los siguientes fines: (i) colaboración en la elaboración de opiniones jurídicas; (ii) servicios de cobranza; y (iii) dar cumplimiento a una orden judicial o administrativa.

4. ㅤ Derechos de Acceso, Rectificación, Cancelación, Oposición, Revocación de consentimiento y Limitación a la divulgación de los Datos Personales
El Titular tiene derecho, en cualquier momento, a: (i) conocer qué Datos Personales hemos recabado; (ii) solicitar su rectificación; (iii) solicitar su eliminación; (iv) oponerse o a limitar su uso o divulgación por parte de LS; y (v) revocar su consentimiento.

Para ejercer cualquiera de los derechos antes mencionados, ponemos a su disposición el teléfono +52 (55) 5292 0065 y el correo electrónico privacidad@lazcanosamano.com.

El Titular puede revocar el consentimiento que nos haya otorgado para el tratamiento de sus Datos Personales. No obstante, por favor tome en cuenta que no en todos los casos podremos atender su solicitud o concluir el uso de sus Datos Personales de forma inmediata, ya que es posible que por una obligación legal requiramos seguir tratándolos. Asimismo, es importante que considere que, para ciertos fines, la revocación de su consentimiento implicará que no le podamos seguir prestando nuestros servicios o la terminación de su relación con LS.

5. ㅤ Modificaciones a este Aviso de Privacidad
El presente Aviso de Privacidad puede sufrir modificaciones, cambios o actualizaciones de tiempo en tiempo, debido a cambios en: (i) la normatividad aplicable; (ii) la naturaleza de los servicios que prestamos; (iii) nuestras políticas de privacidad; (iv) nuestro modelo de negocio; y (v) otras causas.

Sin embargo, nos comprometemos a informar cualquier actualización a través de nuestro portal de internet https://lazcanosamano.com.

Privacy Notice

Lazcano Sámano, S.C. (“LS”), with address at Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 1190, office 310, Cruz, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, Mexico City, 05349, and website http://lazcanosamano.com, is responsible for the processing and protection of your personal data (“Personal Data”), in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, their Regulations and other applicable provisions.

1. ㅤ Personal Data requested
For the purposes indicated below, LS collects the following Personal Data from its owner (“Owner[s]”): (i) full name; (ii) domicile; (iii) telephone number; (iv) email; (v) nationality; (vi) date and place of birth; (vii) Federal Taxpayer Registry or tax identification number; (viii) Unique Population Registry Code; (ix) charge; (x) account number; (xi) economic activity; and (xii) patrimonial information.

The Owner guarantees that the Personal Data provided to LS is true. Likewise, it undertakes to update them in case they change.

We will consider it as an unequivocal sign of the manifestation of your will and therefore, as your express consent for the processing of patrimonial and financial Personal Data, if you provide us with said Personal Data.

2. ㅤ Purposes of processing Personal Data
The primary purposes for which LS collects Personal Data are the following: (i) establish communication with the Owners; (ii) enter into contracts for the provision of our services; (iii) carry out billing and collection tasks; (iv) identify the Owners; and (v) for the administration of our services.

On the other hand, the secondary purposes for which LS collects Personal Data are the following: (i) sending news, articles or communications of interest; and (ii) commercial prospecting. You may object at any time to our processing of your Personal Data for these secondary purposes or revoke your consent to do so, by sending us an email to privacidad@lazcanosamano.com..

3. ㅤ Transfer of Personal Data
We inform you that Personal Data may be shared, inside and outside the country, with companies and organizations with which we have a commercial and/or legal relationship or with the competent authorities for the following purposes: (i) collaboration in the preparation legal opinions; (ii) collection services; and (iii) comply with a judicial or administrative order.

4. ㅤ Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition, Revocation of consent and Limitation to the disclosure of Personal Data
The Owner has the right, at any time, to: (i) know what Personal Data we have collected; (ii) request its rectification; (iii) request its deletion; (iv) oppose or limit its use or disclosure by LS; and (v) revoke his or her consent.

To exercise any of the aforementioned rights, we make available to you the telephone number +52 (55) 5292 0065 and the email privacidad@lazcanosamano.com.

The Owner may revoke the consent that he has given us for the processing of his or her Personal Data. However, please take into account that not in all cases we will be able to attend to your request or conclude the use of your Personal Data immediately, since it is possible that due to a legal obligation, we need to continue processing them. Likewise, it is important that you consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue to provide you with our services or the termination of your relationship with LS.

5. ㅤ Modificaciones a este Aviso de Privacidad
This Privacy Notice may be amended, modified or updated from time to time, due to changes in: (i) the applicable regulations; (ii) the nature of the services we provide; (iii) our privacy policies; (iv) our business model; and (v) other causes.

However, we will report any update through our internet portal https://lazcanosamano.com.

Lazcano Sámano, S.C.

Legal Experts in the
Gaming, Fintech and Media

contact@lazcanosamano.com" contact@lazcanosamano.com
+52 55 5292 0065 +52 (55) 5292 0065
Lazcano Sámano, S.C. location Prolongación Reforma 1190
Torre B, Oficina 310
Cruz Manca, Cuajimalpa
05349, Ciudad de México,

We are Leaders in Our Field

Since 2007, Lazcano Sámano has been positioned in Mexico, Latin America and worldwide, as one of the most experienced and reputable law firms in the Gaming Industry and other cutting-edge technology sectors.

Gaming, Fintech and Media Industries are highly specialized fields; thus, our legal practice requires a multidisciplinary approach and a wide range of professional skills.

Our Legal and Regulatory Practices

We Serve the
Top Companies in the World

Lazcano Sámano counsels and represents several leading technology companies of the Gaming, Fintech and Media Industries.

Most of our Clients are public companies and hold various regulatory licenses in the strictest jurisdictions over the world.

Committed with a long-term vision and with an ethical performance, we have been proudly serving the biggest and more respected names within the global Gaming Industry and other cutting-edge technology sectors.

Get to Know Our Management Team

Alfredo Lazcano Sámano

Alfredo Lazcano


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His duties are to pursue the best professional practices; to implement an ethical business strategy; to act as facilitator between our Partners, Associates and Staff in the legal and regulatory matters; and to ensure a proper communication with our Clients.

Alfredo is a Board Director who serves our Clients as a Gaming, Sports & Entertainment Lawyer.

Andrea Avedillo

Andrea Avedillo

Head of Legal

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Her duties are to manage and execute the timely provision of legal and regulatory services in favor of our Clients, to boost and conduct our academic activity and article authoring, and to lead our way into the analysis of innovative legal issues.

Andrea is a Board Director who serves our Clients as a Corporate & Regulatory Compliance Consultant.

Fernanda Vázques

Fernanda Vázquez

Head of Administration

Button to Fernanda Vázquez's linkedin Button to write to Fernanda Vázquez's mail Button to Fernanda Vázquez's X account

Her duties are to support the achievement of the Chair’s responsibilities; to follow up on the management of all our accounts; to support the teamwork interaction between the financial, accounting and audit teams; and to guard the balance of our material resources.

Fernanda is a Board Director who serves our Clients as a Legal Assistant.

We Have a Strong Professional Network

As a highly specialized law firm, Lazcano Sámano has worked towards the consolidation of robust professional alliances, aimed to provide our Clients with the best available legal advice.

Since 2007 we serve in numerous conferences, editorials and committees of the International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL), a non-profit association comprising hundreds of members globally –including Educators, Industry Professionals and Regulators– whom are recognized as the leading gaming experts in their jurisdictions.

AGEM logo

In 2014 we were appointed as legal advisors for the Mexican Committee of the Association of Gaming Manufacturers (AGEM), an international trade association representing all kinds of goods and services suppliers of the global Gaming Industry, which work together through political action, regulatory influence, educational alliances and good corporate citizenship.

We hold a very active professional synergy, conceived 25 years ago, with one of the most prestigious law firms in Mexico, Santamarina y Steta, which bring scalability to our practice in other non-gaming legal fields that require specialized knowledge and a multidisciplinary approach.

Proven Gaming Expertise at the Highest Levels

We are honored that our firm’s Chair, Alfredo Lazcano, was appointed in 2020 by the Federal Mexican Government to assist as an Independent Gaming Expert on matters of national and international relevance.

Our Work Speaks for Itself

Lazcano Sámano contributes with panelists for the main international conferences related with the Gaming, Fintech and Media Industries, as well as with articles, interviews and studies for the prime publications focused on these highly specialized fields.

Our academic work is very active and is focused on regulatory improvement, combat against illegal operations, corporate responsibility, protection of vulnerable individuals, as well as best practices and technical standards.

There is plenty of material on the Internet that reveals our prolific professional input and our positioning as domestic and international opinion leaders in our areas of expertise.

Please take a few minutes and click on the topics of your main interest: